
Thyme Honey

Thyme Honey

Greek thyme honey is rich in carbohydrates, minerals and trace elements. Whereas, it has been used since ancient times for its beneficial properties. The high nutritional value of thyme honey makes it a super-food, which when it is in our diet – offers health, stimulation and protection from diseases. The thyme plant is excellent at supporting the immune and respiratory systems with three important properties that most people don’t know about:


1. Thyme honey has an anti-microbial effect and prevents the growth of bacteria and other pathogenic organisms.
2. In a research that was done after checking hundreds of types of honey from all over the world, thyme honey came out first and by far.
3. Thyme honey has antiseptic properties, is refreshing, increases heart rate, reduces stomach ulcers, strengthens the immune system and generally contributes to the good functioning of the human body.
4. Contributes to the prevention of cancer and heart disease.
5. Helps in weight loss, blood sugar regulation and vision improvement.
6. Improves the skin, as it has antibacterial properties.
7. Heals wounds and burns if applied externally.
8. Contributes to relaxation and better sleep, because it enhances melatonin and reduces cortisol levels, the so-called stress hormone.


Also, thyme honey has benefits in the treatment of cough, bronchitis and in general respiratory. If your throat feels dry and irritated, an ideal solution is a warm and delicious drink with honey – a proven cough reliever. The properties of thyme honey make it an ideal choice for every category of consumer. Especially athletes, children and those who practice intense mental activity, such as students, should include it in their daily diet.


Another excellent product from unprocessed honey, unique in its kind, is Fir Vanillawith a unique taste and aroma.